

Covid 19
Covid 19 – Volume 2 – Part 2 – Coronavirus Background

See our detailed report for more background info. In early January 2020, a novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was identified as the infectious agent causing an outbreak of viral pneumonia in Wuhan, China, where the first cases had their symptoms onset in December 2019. Coronaviruses are enveloped RNA viruses that are distributed broadly among humans, other mammals,…

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Covid 19 - Letters in Uncertain Times! Volume 2 - Part 1
Covid 19 – Volume 2 – Part 1 – Impact of the Virus

We hope this finds you all well in your hunkered down state of confinement. We want to continue sharing important information for you, your families, and friends about COVID-19. Our initial thoughts were to just do a brief email but as essential information keeps coming at a significant pace we’d like to present you all…

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Covid 19 - Letters in Uncertain Times! Volume 1
Covid 19 – Coronavirus – Volume 1

Dear Friends: I hope this note finds you well and calm during these uncertain coronavirus times. I’d like to share with you all helpful information about the new coronavirus officially known SARS2-COVID 19 virus and strategies to help combat it. To paraphrase a common saying, you may not be interested in the virus but this…

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